In South Tyrol a plaque is given to destinations and accommodation establishments actively committed to a sustainable
future: the South Tyrol Sustainability Seal. Based upon the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) criteria, it gives
recognition to entities in the tourism industry that ensure the protection of nature and people. Those people who, with
concrete measures, tirelessly contribute to making South Tyrol a more sustainable place.
The road to sustainability is long. There are, indeed, three Seal’s levels. Each level needs different criteria to be met. The
third – which is the highest – corresponds to the GSTC certification and it is thus globally recognized.
Level 1
The company is at the beginning of its sustainability journey. It is aware of the importance of the issue, has a process in
place to assess its status quo and, building on this, is defining key actions to make its operations more sustainable. This
process is independently verified. Companies with 10 or more employees also carry out a greenhouse gas inventory,
which covers both Scope 1 and 2.